Just Get Started – with YouTube!
- Try it at home for free!
- Pick your video and get on the mat.
- Build strength. Gain flexibility.
- Massage your organs to improve function.
- Clear your mind with breath work.
8 years ago I started my Yoga journey. Strength and flexibility was initially the goal. The biggest problem – I had no idea where to start.
I live in a small town with no active yoga classes that I could find. And travelling 40 minutes for a session wasn’t the most ideal. I was at a leadership conference (actually it was waaaaay more that that – but that is another story) and YouTube was suggested to me. Specifically – Yoga with Adriene
First Things First
Tools You Will Need
The Mat: You don’t need a super expensive mat – although you should have a good quality one. Winners and Walmart are great places to acquire one. There is always Amazon as well.
I prefer the smooth mats with a heavier feel of 5mm thick, so they don’t slip around. They are also easy to wipe down. The one shown below is about $50 on amazon – however Winners will have similar for half the price or more!

Yoga Pants: are literally for yoga. Seam free, free movement. I have yoga’d in sweat pants and have given myself heck each time. Your transitions, especially laying on your back, can be painful with those big bulky seams.
They don’t need to be expensive, they don’t need to be lululemons (although I legit love those) – they just need to fit and be smooth seamed.
Yoga Block: While not a necessity, I have appreciated mine from the get go. Helps provide stability and support. Amazon sells two for $13

I reckon that is literally it! Well access to internet on a screen but we seem to carry those around in our pockets. Or use the YouTube app on your smart tv, tablet, nintendo switch….
Many Channels and Influencers To Choose From
Just go to YouTube and search “Start Yoga” You will be greeted with many many options! For me, an overwhelming amount – including my girl, Adriene.
Find what grabs your attention and give it a go! I promise the time you invest on the mat is more than worth it!
Feeling Overwhelmed by Choice?
Start where I did!
I have no affiliation to Yoga With Adriene (I wish!) I just find her style, her energy and her dedication, delightful!
She has a multitude of 30 days of Yoga series that will get you well into building the habit. She has customized videos – including Yoga for Equestrians You can pick what is ailing you. Lower back pain? Check! That time of the month being a pain in the tummy? Also Check! You can even pick based on the amount of time you have to dedicate that day. Ten minutes to win it? She’s got you covered! She also lets you know what you need to begin each session. And honestly, its all things you have kicking around your house
Plus she has Benji and who doesn’t love an blue heeler?!

My best advice is “Just Trust The Process”
Every time I have walked away from the mat after a yoga session – I have gained something. Even if it was just to slow down and live in the moment. Or the burn from Ab day. The days I don’t think I have time and am rushing – are the days I need it most.
What I thought I was starting for – is not the only reason why I keep going. I never gave much credit to breath work. Always rush rush rush, who has time to meditate?! It is now one of my favorite parts of the practice.
Happy Yoga-ing!
I sincerely hopes this help to just get started. You can advance your practice as you go. With me, too many options – paralysis kicks in. And I end up spending 8 hours scrolling, mat still rolled up.
This process is all yours! It isn’t a race – you don’t have to do a shoulder stand in even a year. Or go for it if that is your goal! I hope you embrace the journey and give yourself the gift of Yoga <3