Readers Block: Its a thing! How to get through it.

Self help books – bless their many pages.  I read them.  I want so badly for them to make the impact that I know they could.

Here’s the thing.  I could read a page, flip it and then I realize – I don’t even know what I just read! I’m not reading for the sake of reading.  I am reading because I want to learn something new, do something differently.  I want CHANGE.

Here are my steps.  They are simple.  They are basic.  They have made all the difference in the world!

  1. Grab a notebook and your favorite pen (am I the only one who has a favorite pen?)
  2. Get ready to write.  I find highlighters are great for something I want to go back and read. Not so much for retaining what I have read.  You have to earn this knowledge as your own.  You are going to read a section and rewrite it.  
  3. Summarize after a chapter. Write the key points that you remember from the chapter.  The best part about this is, now this is from your words.  Your brain.  YOU are owning this information.
  4. Realize reading is not a race.  This is not a timed activity.  Of course, you may only have 20 minutes to yourself in a day to read.  However, it does not matter how long it takes you to get through the book.  It matters what you learned, through the process.  This is a priceless process.  Stop after a chapter.  Rest, sleep, let the brain do its thing. 
  5. Do the activities while you are in that chapter.   Caution to the wind – I was reading Changing Course by Claudia Black – in my car before work.  (Its my thing. My focus time.  Uninterrupted reading time). I was actively working on the exercises – writing a letter to my dad (as per her instruction) bawling.  Then on top of that, she had me read it out loud! Oh my what a roller coaster that was.  However, once I worked through it all, I felt lighter.  I could tell you I would go back to do the exercises, but that’s like saying “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow” instead of getting it done right then.
  6. Talk about the book to a friend.  Many are curious about reading and I am sure your friends are curious about growth.  The more you talk about what you have learned, the more that information becomes yours and becomes accessible whenever you want it.  And quite frankly, where your subconscious attaches it.  Which is what you really want.  A neural pathway being built. 

A book its self will not change your life.  However, the more you practice it, think about it, put it into action – the more you are changing your life for yourself!

I set out to read a financial book a month for a year.  I make money but honestly I was clueless about how to keep it or grow more of it.  Learning the hard way, reading to change is not a timed race – I read 8 books. But the most important point of this all – I went from saving $0 every month, to saving $600 a month.  As a single mom – this is life changing!

I also know and grow my net worth every month and have investments!  So again, it is not about reading to read, it is about reading to retain.

I hope this has helped.  Even one little change can make all the significant difference in the world!


Rhae Wagner

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