About Page

In a world that can seemingly feel so bitter – my mission is to leave it better than I found it. The best way I can think to do this is with the power of kindness. The idea isn’t to kill with Kindness but to be Willing with Kindness

My journey has been long, and yet it is flying by. Isn’t that the catch about life. It can feel both too long, yet too short. Work days can drag and karaoke nights (or what ever you are into) fly by. I want to make the best of both short and long stories. I want, even when I sit in darkness from a heart break (because they do happen) to be grateful for that day. That moment. That pain. I want to embrace all of life. And I want to learn all of the lessons. This is me, sharing it with you. I hope you decide you want to embrace all of life too. I will share my weird thoughts and my failures. I will share the joy and the heartbreak. Because how do we ever fully appreciate the light – with out the darkness. And as always, I will be Willing with Kindness – xoxo


From spreadsheets and tip sheets. I want to share the tools and tricks I have learned that help me tap into my potential. That save time, or create space to grow.


You are not alone. We all have stories. We all have chapters yet to be written. Sharing mine – I hope you will find the passion to share yours. To take the pen and seize all that can be yours.


It is my hope that after you visit – you will be left feeling inspired. That you will leave feeling like you can do anything! Because the world needs more people – unafraid to be themselves!

Find your strength, find your purpose – willing with kindness.