Disclaimer: I challenge you to take action after this post and grab a notebook, a scrap piece of paper even and start your Journaling adventure immediately! Double down and find something to write with right now!
Let’s Begin with Why:
I know my “Why”. At first it was because I went to a leadership course and it was “strongly recommended”. Yep, that was my “Why” at that point. I didn’t want to waste any time being the best I could be. I heard raves about this course and I wanted in. Bear in mind, my first few entries left much to fill the paper. (I am not passing judgment – it was new! and we gotta start some where)
Here is what it actually became:
The Benefits:
- Achieve goals – Date specific and written over and over – I quit what I thought would be the impossible. As of today – I am a non-smoker of 2 years, 1 month, 10 days and 4 hours. I have saved $16,657 dollars (don’t ask me where it is). I would have smoked 23,135 cigarettes in that time. A number that just will not be accepted by my brain. I definitely give a lot of credit to accomplishing this amazing feat to journaling. Owning what I said I would do. Writing the goal over an over everyday for 6 months. I even quit 3 days before my planned date.
- Track progress and growth – I have kept every journal I have completed. I am at #7 I believe. I have actually taken the time to go back and read where I was and where I am now. It is astounding how much a person can change in a few years, even a few months. Seeing where my goals started and where I am now.
- Gain self-confidence – embracing my weird thoughts, challenging them also. Seeing the goals I have accomplished. Writing affirmations and dreaming big. It is incredible how brave and strong I can feel just writing about it.
- Improve writing and communication skills – Writing, like anything, improves with practice. I enjoy finding new words, finding the one that feels just right to express myself.
- Reduce stress and anxiety – I have recently gone through what is known as a major life change. The amount of rumination and self doubt and seeking, searching. Journaling helped hone my thoughts. Helped me be honest with myself and helped me be honest with others. What could have taken me a year to come to terms with, I found acceptance of it with writing. (Healing has no time frame, there is no rush and I do have my moments. My journal is there for those moments just like a good friend or a solid yoga session. More tools in this area are a blessing)
- Find inspiration – Leonardo da Vinci drew some incredible invention ideas in his journals. Like him, you can also use your journaling time to brainstorm or let your imagination run wild. I really got in my mind I could blog. Share my words with other and just hope to help. Here I am.
- Strengthen memory – The Journal of Experimental Psychology published research that shows how writing your thoughts down can reduce intrusive thoughts about negative events and improve working memory.* Even the simple act of writing something down lets your brain know you want to remember it. That’s why note-taking is such an effective practice when learning something new
- A place to celebrate myself. To encourage myself. To be myself. I realized, I really love myself.
So seriously… why do you want to journal? *Key writing on paper here.
Okay – So What Do I Journal About?
I am so pleased you asked! The following is my format as just an example. Please know it did not start this way. And it is likely not fully evolved. That’s really the beauty of this whole thing. It grows with me, I grow with it. I like to be challenged to grow, especially when I don’t want to be challenged to grow.
- Gratitude – It could be as small as being grateful for your cup of coffee. Or being grateful for your eyes being able to read and look at the people you love. Or your hands for being able to write in the first place. The things we can take for granted, just imagine a minute with out them and you’ll realize how grateful you should be. Just one thing is better than nothing. Three things are better yet. Honestly, I believe this is the one area that defies the saying “Too much of one thing is a bad thing” Don’t believe me, try it for yourself! Life hack – the days that you are really struggling to find something you are grateful for, are the days you really need this exercise. Do not skip it!
- What was the best thing that happened yesterday? Little bonus tip, if you struggled with the first task – this one naturally guides you to it. Some days my best thing was getting my child to school on time, cause life. Other days it has been spending time with my parents, reconnecting with an old friend. Accomplishing a goal I set out. Other days its literally, I did not go to prison. A little darkness is actually okay. And it really was the best thing at the time.
- Focus – what is the most important thing to do today. For my brain this can be a loaded question. But we are talking the most important thing to do today. Gets my priority straight. Keeps it simple.
- What I am feeling guilty for? Thank you “Its Not You” by Dr Ramani Durvasula – you are a game changer. I feel constantly riddled with feeling bad. Writing it down and pushing back on it provided me a sense of freedom I just can not put into words. Literally, even when I journal.
- Record your goals. Your dreams! Your inspirations! You begin owning these actionable items. You literally put it in a priority sequence in your life.
- Affirmations – writing how bad ass you are, or how you can embrace the uncertainty – helps your brain understand this is you. For the last two years I have written the same three affirmations. Some days I believe it fully, other days I have to work to make it happen. But it is my motivation.
*If you are feeling inspired by any of this formatting – also write it down
When Is The Ideal Time To Journal?
I find when I first wake up. Now that being said, I would love to get better at journaling in the evening. A nice little recap of the day. A few lines of what I am grateful for. A battle I have been fighting for a few years now. I am working on it I swear!
Another thing: I planned to journal in the am. Some times I managed to write down during my lunch breaks. I have journaled plenty of times in my car. Many of days starting out, days at a time were skipped. We are not looking for perfection here so DO NOT be discouraged. 7 years of trial and error – it has become a non-negotiable for myself. And even then sometimes I write “I promise I will be back” I did not lie – I was back the following day…
This is not all or nothing work here. It is practice. So alleviate any of the pressure you are feeling to nail it on the first shot. Or the 7th year.
*Can you for see any challenges about when you can and should journal? Write down how you can over come some of these time challenges.
Where Do I Get This Accomplished?
In front of a large cabin window with a beautiful mountain view! Yeah, definitely an amazing goal. However where I actually journal – in my living room in the quiet hours of the morning. I have a drawer specifically where it lives. Along with my favorite pen, stickers and highlighters just in case I really want to get creative.
Where I have been known to journal: in my car parked safely of course, scribbling some lines before work. In the bathroom while my son has a tub. In the back seat of a car – on a long road trip. My journal had always traveled with me – because my consistency was not consistent. However, I knew it helped as I got more in the groove. I tried hard not to be discouraged when I didn’t complete it in the morning because life happened. I just liked to make sure I did it. If I am being completely honest – it still has to show up to places with me. If I started a new job, if my work time changes – but I still get it done. I am actually very proud of my journaling abilities. And I will recommend it to any and everyone!
*Where is your ideal journaling location? Do you feel comfortable here? What can you do to best set up your space?
Just like anything else, you just need to take the first step. Start. Put the pen to paper. I practice what Robin Sharma calls the “Holy Hour” – I call the “Power Hour”:
- 20 minutes exercise (yoga with Adrienne on you tube is where I started and I absolutely am still committed)
- 20 minutes of journaling
- 20 minutes of learning (ted talks, reading books, coding practice – possibilities are rather endless here
This is done at the beautiful hour of 5:00am. I have actually been wanting to move it to 4:30 am just as I have started working earlier. Its a little bit of trial an error. Many over slept mornings. It takes a while to make those priorities clear.
My very first entry, I set a timer. Yep got real technical. My pen wrote the date and “Dear Journal” because diary sounded juvenile and I wasn’t sure how else to start. I stared at that page for 19 minutes. I felt weird, I really doubted the impact and I was worried some one may come across all these thoughts. I literally finished my first entry when the timer went off and said “I did it!”
Thank You!
I know you had other sites you could visit, other articles to read. So thank you for taking your time with me.
My hope for you, after reading this is that you start. Just start. No matter how it looks, no matter if you feel an impact right away or not. Just write. And then write some more, and then write some more. Perfect your own craft. Have it grow with you, or you grow with it. Challenge your thoughts, shatter your own glass ceiling that is in your mind.
Just. start.